Q.38. We have the expensive paintings by master artists .Can these be covered under the policy? |
Ans. Yes, these can be covered but you need a separate policy. |
Q.39. Would bean bag, antique high table, wall frames be covered there in policy? |
Ans. Yes, BeanBag is a normal item and it is covered. Antique high table may need registration under Antiques Act and it may become necessary to cover it under a separate policy |
Q.40. Can wrought iron furniture is covered under home insurance policy? |
Ans. Yes, it can be covered. |
Q.41. Is wooden flooring covered in home insurance policy? |
Ans. Yes, it is covered under structure. |
Q.42. Can jewellary be insured under home insurance policy? |
Ans. Yes, Jewellery can be insured. All items over Rs 15000 should be supported by valuation report; otherwise you will have serious difficulty at the time of lodging claim. |
Q.43. If Jewellary is covered, then how is the valuation to be done? |
Ans. You should show jewellery to Valuation Jeweler and he will issue report, which will mention the value of the same.
Q.44. what is the maximum amount of jewellery which can be insured? |
Ans. If can be any amount subject to following:
- Item above Rs.15000 should have support of valuation report?
- If the amount is very large say Rs.5 crore then some insurance company may cover the risk up to Rs.1 crore and you may have to take 5 different policies from 5 different insurance companies. Keep documents properly so that claim is lodged on right insurance company when the loss occurs.
Q.45. What will be documents required to take insurance for jewellery? |
Ans. Valuation report from government approved valuation jeweler is the document .Its copy should be attached to the proposal form. Keep copy with you in bank locker as you will need it when the claim arises. |
Q.46. What are the documents required to lodge the claim for jewellery loss? |
Ans. FIR/ copy of valuation report etc are to be submitted with duly filled up claim form. |
Q.45. My wife went to attend a marriage and she lost necklace costing Rs 7 lakhs. This was insured and valuation report was attached with proposal form. What is the procedure to lodge the claim? |
You must have called police when the loss occurred. You should obtain F.I.R copy and lodge the claim with the insurance company. |